Park Avenue Parties

Setting the Tone

Most people still want to soak up all the warm weather and pretty all colors. We are here to help you and your guests enjoy an outdoor fall event. Here are five essentials you’ll need this fall.

Many people don’t realize that you can still use a tent as the weather gets chillier. Our Warner tents are durable in all weather but snow fall. So, don’t forget to get a tent this fall season to keep your guests cozy and warm to party all night long.

To pair with your tent we also recommend heaters. Whether you are in a venue or a tent Colorado evenings cool down and you don’t want any of your guests leaving early because they are cold. We have space heaters to use inside of a larger tent or event space, along with three different options for stand alone heaters.

No matter what kind of event you are having you will most likely need tables and chairs. take into mind your food and even if you are having light appetizers or a five course meal you will need some tables o place your food on. Then you will also need to take into account if you are going go have tables for gifts, sign-in, sanitizing, or anything extra. Lastly, you want to make sure that you have tables for food whether that is cocktail tables or seating for all guests.

Chairs will need to be there for even if it is more informal. There are always people that will want to sit down and even maybe having a lounge se tío. Would match your style better. Take into consideration if there are two different areas you will want the guests to be and even if you will need chairs for group setting. There are plenty of colors and options for any style you might be going for.

No matter the event we have stemware for any occasion. This is one thing to definitely not go cheap on. Every guests will end up drinking something and it’s better to rent our stemware that will not only get cleaned by the rental company but it’s more cost effective than getting biodegradable. Nobody wants to be enjoying there drink and there cup is getting soggy. This also goes for tableware. Even if you are just having appetizers your guests will need some form of plate to eat off of.
Your choices for these items will help elevate your event big or small. Consider what you will beee serving and leave the rest to us!

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The Park Avenue Team and other guest writers are happy to bring you the information you need to plan an amazing event!

Do You Need Help?

Park Avenue Parties offers all the rentals you need for your event—big or small! Our industry-leading inventory includes everything from bars, tables, and chairs to tents.

Canary Yellow Tablecloth

White Resin with Padded Seat

Pink Tablecloth

Light Blue

Fire Pit - Wood Burning

Ice Chest - 100 qt White

Fire Pit - Propane

Mason Drink Jar

Keg Cooler

Water Pitcher - Poly

Beverage Dispenser

White Poly Folding

Backyard Gathering

Gingham Tablecloth
